Friday, March 10, 2006

FunKy Estha!

Estha, originally uploaded by Kija.

If I have to use just one world for describing Estha's show,it would be energy.
This woman has and give so much energy.
Powerful voice,great musician she is a absolute showgirl.
Hope one day she will get the success she deserves.
Keep on grooving Estha,Soul is everything.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Crystal Night


When a woman sings with her heart,she sings soul.So I can say Crystal Night is a great soul singer.
She sang her song "Sweet melodies"with feeling and tenderness.
She also sang the India.Arie's anthem I am not my hair.I spent a real groovy magic moment.

Crystal Night's website

Tuesday, March 07, 2006



Nyr at the March RimShot Party

Nyr did his show at the RimShot Party of march.His music is really nice.